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  • https://med.libretexts.org/Courses/Skyline_College/Human_Physiology_for_Allied_Health_Professionals/13%3A_The_Lymphatic_and_Immune_System/13.04%3A_The_Adaptive_Immune_Response_-_T_Lymphocytes_and_Their_Functional_Types
    Innate immune responses (and early induced responses) are in many cases ineffective at completely controlling pathogen growth. However, they slow pathogen growth and allow time for the adaptive immune...Innate immune responses (and early induced responses) are in many cases ineffective at completely controlling pathogen growth. However, they slow pathogen growth and allow time for the adaptive immune response to strengthen and either control or eliminate the pathogen. The innate immune system also sends signals to the cells of the adaptive immune system, guiding them in how to attack the pathogen. Thus, these are the two important arms of the immune response.
  • https://med.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Anatomy_and_Physiology/Anatomy_and_Physiology_1e_(OpenStax)/Unit_4%3A_Fluids_and_Transport/21%3A_The_Lymphatic_and_Immune_System/21.03%3A_The_Adaptive_Immune_Response_-_T_Lymphocytes_and_Their_Functional_Types
    Innate immune responses (and early induced responses) are in many cases ineffective at completely controlling pathogen growth. However, they slow pathogen growth and allow time for the adaptive immune...Innate immune responses (and early induced responses) are in many cases ineffective at completely controlling pathogen growth. However, they slow pathogen growth and allow time for the adaptive immune response to strengthen and either control or eliminate the pathogen. The innate immune system also sends signals to the cells of the adaptive immune system, guiding them in how to attack the pathogen. Thus, these are the two important arms of the immune response.
  • https://med.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Anatomy_and_Physiology/Anatomy_and_Physiology_2e_(OpenStax)/04%3A_Fluids_and_Transport/21%3A_The_Lymphatic_and_Immune_System/21.04%3A_The_Adaptive_Immune_Response_-_T_Lymphocytes_and_Their_Functional_Types
    Innate immune responses (and early induced responses) are in many cases ineffective at completely controlling pathogen growth. However, they slow pathogen growth and allow time for the adaptive immune...Innate immune responses (and early induced responses) are in many cases ineffective at completely controlling pathogen growth. However, they slow pathogen growth and allow time for the adaptive immune response to strengthen and either control or eliminate the pathogen. The innate immune system also sends signals to the cells of the adaptive immune system, guiding them in how to attack the pathogen. Thus, these are the two important arms of the immune response.

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