There is a nice picture of this process in the link below as well as a video explaining the process of tooth decay. Notice the similarity in structure of tagatose to sugar alcohols, the only differenc...There is a nice picture of this process in the link below as well as a video explaining the process of tooth decay. Notice the similarity in structure of tagatose to sugar alcohols, the only difference being a ketone instead of an alcohol group. Neotame is structurally identical to aspartame except that it contains an additional side group (bottom of the figure below, which is flipped backwards to make it easier to compare their structures).
There is a nice picture of this process in the link below as well as a video explaining the process of tooth decay. Notice the similarity in structure of tagatose to sugar alcohols, the only differenc...There is a nice picture of this process in the link below as well as a video explaining the process of tooth decay. Notice the similarity in structure of tagatose to sugar alcohols, the only difference being a ketone instead of an alcohol group. Neotame is structurally identical to aspartame except that it contains an additional side group (bottom of the figure below, which is flipped backwards to make it easier to compare their structures).