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Medicine LibreTexts

17.6: Key Terms

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activities of daily living (ADLs)
skills required to perform essential and routine tasks independently for oneself (e.g., bathing, toileting) without assistance
affective learning
the learning process centered on feelings, including attitudes, interests, and values
easy to talk to or interact with
persuasion through intimidation
the process of knowing, perceiving, thinking, or understanding
cognitive learning
learning based on the process of understanding
to agree to and permit (something)
reliable or trusted
direct instruction
active engagement of the educator and learners
direct observation of actions
evaluation method of observing the learner in the normal setting for actions and behaviors illustrating learning acquisition
direct observation of procedural skills
evaluation of step-by-step psychomotor tasks
extrinsic motivation
a willingness to participate in self-care activities when offered a reward
health literacy
the ability of an individual to locate, comprehend, and use health-related material and make healthcare decisions
health promotion
improving health
an inability to either read or write
intrinsic motivation
a drive toward achieving personal pleasure or fulfillment
learning style
preferred method of learning: auditory, visual, written, or kinesthetic
the ability to read and write
radiographic examination of breasts
an elevated level of thinking that allows comprehension and examination; higher-order thinking that enables understanding, analysis, and command of thoughts and the thinking process
psychomotor learning
the development of organized patterns of muscular activities guided by signals from the environment
return demonstration
evaluation method whereby the patient showcases the ability to complete the task by performing it back to the evaluator
skill acquisition
acquiring a new skill with precision

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