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Medicine LibreTexts

20.0: Introduction

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A color photograph shows a medical professional using a computer in a medical setting.
Figure 20.1 Successful regulation of fluid and electrolytes is a vital part of maintaining homeostasis within the human body. (credit: “U.S. Navy Sailors spend time working in Valleywise Medical Center supporting the community 220222-A-TV877=1003,” Navy Medicine/Flickr, Public Domain)

Understanding fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance is one of the most important concepts in nursing. Without stability in all three of these areas, cellular process cannot occur normally, and life may cease to exist. A normal fluid balance is needed to deliver oxygen and other nutrients to target tissues and to remove cellular waste. Keeping electrolytes within a narrow range is vital for muscle contractions, nerve impulses, a stable acid-base balance, and control of fluid within the body. Acid-base levels affect the function of enzymes and nearly all cellular processes, including immune function, neuronal excitability, and myocardial blood flow. Given the fact that all body systems are affected by fluid, electrolytes, and acid-base balance, it is imperative that nurses be knowledgeable about these topics (Quade et al., 2021).

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