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Medicine LibreTexts

33.7.2: Reflection Questions

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Reflection Questions

1 .
How would you provide care to a Transgender patient? Would you do anything different as compared to caring for a cisgender patient?
2 .
How do you think traditional gender roles can play a role in the development of gender dysphoria?
3 .
You’re caring for a Transgender male patient and overhear another staff member saying something inappropriate about their gender identity. How would you handle the situation?
4 .
What do you think might cause an individual to display maladaptive behaviors?
5 .
You are caring for a patient who reports they like to engage in asphyxiation (intentional restriction of oxygen to a sexual partner’s brain, often through choking). What should you do?
6 .
What effects do you think social media can have on body image and sexual health?
7 .
An unwanted pregnancy can be scary and cause severe anxiety. What are some strategies you could use when discussing a positive pregnancy test with a patient who did not wish to become pregnant?
8 .
Think about how you might use self-awareness when caring for a patient’s sexual health and provide an example.

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