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Medicine LibreTexts

13.0: Introduction

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A color photograph shows a medical professional preparing a patient for an IV.
Figure 13.1: A nurse performs an initiation of an intravenous peripheral line on a patient in the hospital. (credit: modification of “US Navy 060612-N-3714J-085 Navy Hospital Corpsman Vicente Mendes, of Brooklyn, N.Y., prepares a patient for an IV before having surgery.jpg” by U.S. Navy/Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain)

The purpose of intravenous (IV) therapy is to replace fluid and electrolytes, provide medications, and replenish blood volume. Intravenous therapies are introduced directly into the bloodstream, and the nurse plays a critical role in ensuring that IV medications are administered safely. Specifically, the nurse’s responsibility in managing IV therapy includes selecting an IV site, inserting the IV, routinely assessing the IV site, preparing the IV tubing, calculating the correct rate for the infusion, administering IV treatment, monitoring the effectiveness of the IV therapy, and documenting the infusion.

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