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Medicine LibreTexts

34.6: Key Terms

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the ongoing changes within the body in response to stress
the ongoing changes within the body in response to stressors
allostatic load
the collective burden of chronic stressful events.
an overwhelming feeling of apprehensiveness, nervousness, and worry about real or perceived events that have an uncertain outcome
an adaptive mechanism for managing stress
an inability to cope with a stressful situation
negatively perceived stress, or stress that causes a negative response
positively perceived stress, or stress that initiates a positive response
general adaptation syndrome (GAS)
theory involving stress as the cause of a three-stage syndrome of events resulting in either adaptation or exhaustion
the process by which the human body maintains balance by adjusting to internal and external stimuli
events that happen in a person’s life
psychophysiological stress model (PSM)
the relationship between the mental and physical reactions and adaptations to stress
Roy’s adaptation model (RAM)
holistic approach to the art and science of nursing structured as a science, model, and practice discipline containing various elements
the physiological response by the body to a stimulus, or stressor
stress-response theory
the identification of the body’s nonspecific reaction to a threat or stressor
the stimulus or cause of the stress response

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