2 .
Identify and analyze potential causes of an ethical dilemma when a patient requests the withholding of information about a serious diagnosis from their family. How would you approach this dilemma?
3 .
Discuss the potential ethical dilemmas a nurse might face when advocating for a patient’s best interest.
4 .
As a working nurse, explain how you can address the challenges of balancing the duty to maintain confidentiality with ensuring effective interdisciplinary collaboration.
5 .
You are a nurse tasked with educating a patient about a sensitive medical condition. Discuss the ethical considerations you need to keep in mind when providing information about the diagnosis, treatment options, and potential outcomes.
6 .
Compare the outcomes of patient education that emphasizes ethical considerations versus scenarios in which ethics is not prioritized. What impact does an ethical approach have on patient outcomes and the nurse-patient relationship?
7 .
Define the ANA Code of Ethics.