11.5: Key Terms
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- adapt
- a part of the EBDM process that determines if synthesized information can apply to the client (which may be a single person or a community) in discussion
- applicability
- when evaluating the evidence, assesses how well the study’s results and data pertain to broad or specific populations
- appraise
- a part of the EBDM process that involves critically assessing each study for relevance and credibility to ensure the information provided is meaningful, trustworthy, and relevant
- database
- collection of information organized in a systematic method that is helpful when searching for sources of existing literature related to the topic of inquiry
- define
- a part of the EBDM process that clearly identifies the problem or question to be addressed
- evaluation
- a part of the EBDM process that determines the effectiveness of the implemented plan by deciding if it accomplished what was intended and, if not, what may need to be changed
- evidence appraisal
- systematic critique of acquired information to review its purpose, intended audience, relevance, validity, and applicability to the specific question being asked
- evidence-based decision-making (EBDM)
- the process of using the most recent research and clinical practice experience to make optimal decisions regarding a policy, practice, and/or program
- evidence-based practice (EBP)
- using the best available research, clinical experience, and client preferences to inform patient-care interventions and evaluation
- focus groups
- interviews conducted with small groups of participants who have similar traits or interests; informs the current problem or issue in discussion
- implementation
- a part of the EBDM process that involves acting on research information to carry out the determined plan
- intended audience
- demographic that a writer or writers expect to read and interact with an article
- needs assessment
- an appraisal that identifies strengths and resources from the community and gives reviewers a quick overview of existing systems and policies and areas that need improvement or additional resources
- PICOT question
- as part of the EBDM process, involves the problem or concern being formatted to address the population, intervention, comparison, outcome, and time frame in the form of an answerable question
- purpose
- component of a research study or article that identifies the reason it was conducted; often identified as a purpose statement
- qualitative research
- deals with nonnumerical data such as experiences, attitudes, and behaviors; expressed in word form, cannot be quantified, and describes perspectives of individuals and populations
- quantitative research
- contains numbers and objective data to evaluate outcomes and determine results; expressed by amount in numerical terms
- registries
- collections of information regarding people, typically outlining a specific condition or diagnosis
- relevance
- how closely source elements match the current question and whether the results can be applied to the population in question
- reliability
- the extent to which results can be reproduced if research is completed again under the same conditions
- research ethics
- fundamental principles guiding the design and implementation of research centering on respect for society and participants, resources, and regulation of research to prevent misconduct
- search
- a part of the EBDM process that involves reviewing the literature to examine what research is available to address a concern
- synthesize
- a part of the EBDM process that involves compiling information, looking for specific trends in data to determine what the research says about the concern or issue
- validity
- how factual the information within the article is; sometimes referred to as accuracy or credibility in research articles