EMS Psychomotor Skills Lab Manual (Hamper, Curtz, Edwins and Kennel)
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This practical text was created to replace EMS skill sheets recently discontinued by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). Called a “lab manual” because of the practical exercises and instructor sign-off tables at the bottom of each section, this text covers the basics of the EMT scope of practice in Oregon and can be used as a primary text. The authors include Oregon Tech faculty who recently won an award at the national EMS World conference for identifying racial disparities in textbook images; this lab manual was created with the diversity of EMT practitioners and their patients in mind, including not only racial diversity but also LGBTQ populations, and considerations for EMTs practicing in rural environments. Although specific to the Oregon EMT scope of practice, this lab manual can easily be adapted to other regional/local contexts.
Thumbnail: Man being treated for smoke inhalation. (Unsplash License; Acton Crawford via Unsplash)