12.7: Urinary Bladder
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The urinary bladder is located in the lower part of the abdominal cavity (Figure 12.1). It has a smooth inner lining, a middle layer of smooth muscle, and an outer fibrous layer. The muscle layer, the detrusor muscle, is fairly thick (Figure 12.5).

As urine enters the bladder from the ureters, the bladder wall is stretched. It can expand enough for the bladder to accommodate approximately 1 liter of urine, though the bladder usually empties before it has been filled to capacity. Emptying is accomplished by contraction of the muscular wall of the bladder and simultaneous relaxation of muscles in and around the urethra. Once emptying begins, reflexes cause it to continue until all urine has been voided. However, voluntary impulses and muscle contractions can stop bladder emptying before all urine has been eliminated. Since emptying involves the coordinated actions of the bladder, the urethra, and other muscles and nerves, this function is discussed in detail after the section on age changes in the urethra.
Age Changes
Aging causes the bladder to become smaller. Bands of tissue develop within the bladder and fibrous material in the bladder wall increases. These changes reduce the bladder’s ability to stretch and contract. Consequently, the bladder empties less completely and the maximum capacity of the bladder declines. Incomplete emptying of the bladder increases the risk of developing urinary tract infections from bacteria that remain in the bladder. The declining bladder capacity results in frequent emptying, which becomes inconvenient. When the bladder must be emptied three or more times during the night, the condition is called nocturia. Nocturia disrupts sleep and increases the risk of falls from nighttime visits to toilet facilities. Age-related factors that increase urine production also contribute to nocturia. Finally, the age-related increase in spontaneous spastic contraction of bladder muscle (i.e., unstable bladder) increase nocturia and the risk of unintentional release of urine.